
我们的团队在香料行业已有超过30年的丰富经验。从公司成立之初,我们的目标是供应佛罗里达州和加勒比地区。在成功占据市场份额后,Spices USA 扩展业务,供应整个美国大陆及世界上许多其他国家。我们在这一行业的丰富经验和知识使我们能够以竞争力的价格采购优质产品,并将这些节省直接传递给我们的客户。我们的采购人员会访问所有主要的香料生产地区,以确保在公司建立的基石——质量关注——从源头到整个供应链中都能得到贯彻。
这种有利的做法也使我们能够第一手掌握未来的价格趋势,从而为客户提供信息以便做出明智的决定。如果您正在寻找香料及相关产品,或者您的需求更复杂,需要一个商业资源合作伙伴来实现您的目标,Spices USA 可以为您提供支持。我们的合同包装生产各种腌料、液体调料、干混料等产品!从产品开发到定制包装再到设备供应,Spices USA 团队致力于确保您的满意和成功。我们在这里为您服务!

将 Spices USA 打造成世界顶级的香料和食品原料供应商。
a. 犹太人食品认证
b. 过敏原计划执行
c. 食品安全资质
d. HACCP认证
e. GMP执行
f. 害虫防控预防官员
1. 质量
2. 诚信
3. 激情
4. 服务

“We’ve been working for more than 28 years with Spices USA, INC., we are incredibly happy with your 30th Anniversary we always remember you as our BEST PROVIDER. Throughout the years, we’ve met the Spices USA, INC. family, a team of wonderful people who have always served and tended to us in a personal and efficient manner. For us it’s a true pleasure giving testimony of what this commercial relationship has been during all these years, where we’ve received quality products at fair prices, which is what our company looks for to be competitive.”
Alvaro and Martha Vijil
- Owner and General Manager.“The first time we did business with you was June 12, 2015, when we barely bought 2 or 3 pallets; now look at us eight years late, growing hand in hand.”
Jefferson Alvarez
- Assistant Manager“We have been working with SPICES USA for about 4 years. I can highly recommend their products as they are of very good quality and have met our expectations and those of our customers. In addition, the attention we have received from their executives has been very efficient and fast and they are always available to help.”
Cinzia Lobo
- Import and Logistics Department“Spices USA can accommodate every special request, rush order, and try their best to accommodate customer requirements. Spices USA Inc. always tries to give samples, if possible, to customers of any special items requested to make sure of product quality, we’ve always received good quality spices. They do their best to source special items and fast lead time with an exchange and accept return products efficiently. I’ve had great experiences with the staff, and they always reach out and notify customers for any problem and resolve as soon as possible.”
Marlene Talkington
- Purchasing Manager“The Spices USA Inc. service is great; all quotation requests are always on time. They always reach out to customers for monthly follow-up and give us special attention. Quality is #1 best in spices industry, I’ve NEVER received any complaints from my client.”
Julio Alfonso
- CEO“I am incredibly pleased to give my opinion regarding one of our suppliers, “Spices USA, Inc” at the 30th Anniversary of its foundation. The company that I represent has been in a business relationship with this entity for more than 10 years and has had excellent results; always a fast and efficient service, on behalf of your professional staff, in all aspects. We thank you for being part of your customers, and we wish you many congratulations, and so many successes, prosperity, and blessings in your business.”